Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> Sure, although if you are going to store the raw, I think it is
> pointless to store the escaped version.

Yeah, I was thinking more of escaping data that is computationally
expensive; such as bbcodes or wikitext => HTML.

> I am not advocating storing it either way, I am simply saying that by
> default you should never work with raw user data. [snip] If you forget to 
> fetch the raw
> or if you forget to re-filter it through the appropriate filter for
> whatever backend, then chances are your application won't work, or the
> user will see strange output, but at least you will be failing safe,
> instead of failing insecure.

I understand that and how your methodology works, but I've always
thought there was something fishy about it. I suppose this is the
reason: the default won't always be secure, because HTML (and other
formats too, I suppose) require a great variety of types of escaping.
Say we're placing data in a href="" attribute; the default HTML escaping
will protect against breaking out of the quote, but the user can still
pass javascript:xss() and cause problems.

There are two levels of escaping/validation that need to happen here:
the HTML escaping, and a URI validation. The default can lull users into
a false sense of security, especially for more subtle vectors, whereas
if you force people to be explicit you've at least *attempted* to make
them think about what output format they should be using. Either that,
or make it so that the only way for a developer to output something like
that is a manner that also supplies the context (for example, using a
DOM builder).

Of course, careless developers will still make careless mistakes, and I
agree that a sensible default will fix the majority of these issues.
Just not 100%.

 Edward Z. Yang                        GnuPG: 0x869C48DA
 HTML Purifier <http://htmlpurifier.org> Anti-XSS Filter
 [[ 3FA8 E9A9 7385 B691 A6FC B3CB A933 BE7D 869C 48DA ]]

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