
On Thursday 27 March 2008 10:26:57 pm Richard Lynch wrote:
> Just recently, somebody wondered why PHP had the CORRECT time when
> their web-server didn't...

and vice versa. see for example:


if there were an *option* for php to use the system-bundled timezone database, 
then this would be a moot point.   

but instead, at this point to solve the problem someone will need to go 
digging through cvs, produce a changeset, possibly massage the patch to apply 
to an older release, ensure the software builds correctly, test the new 
packages locally, create a new official release for the stable distribution, 
wait for the users to get the update...

this is a process that has been done once already for the system timezone 
database packages, why do it again for php?  if the admin is using the 
packaged versions of php (and that is the point of this discussion), it won't 
magically fix itself... so *something* has to be upgraded.  and either way 
they're usually running "$packagemanager upgrade", taking whatever is new, 
whether it is just the timezonedb or the php packages too.  it's merely a 
question of "get the updates for free?" vs "get the updates when the system 
*and* php has been updated?"

> As I understand the situation, if you can get ALL the sysadmins of the
> world to update their [bleep] timezonedb frequently, PHP can drop the
> internal timezonedb.

usually that's a matter of "$packagemanager upgrade" but i digress.  

of course if you're in a hosted environment where you've built your own php 
but don't have root to update the system timezone db, then it can be very 
useful to have the bundled timezonedb too.  

but ultimately, what may be best for you may be least optimal for someone 
else... so why not provide an option to work both ways?  i'm not even asking 
that this be made the default, in case you're worried about the clueless 
user/sysadmin factor.


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