Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:

On Jan 10, 2008, at 1:05 PM, Joe Orton wrote:

I'm not sure I find the logic of the "but the system-provided data will
become stale" arguments convincing; systems which are left unmaintained
by the administrators will have old versions of software on; that's a
given.  I can't see why adding *more* packages (PECL timezonedb) which
those admins have to keep up-to-date will make any difference to that.

I think the point is not so much that the system provided one will become stale, but more that it impossible to write portable applications when relying on the system provided one.

But, if every one of the thousands of packages out there included their own timezone database and there was a separate mechanism for updating each one, pushing a new timezone db to a server would be impossible.

Making this an option for the distros is something we pretty much have to do. And yes, I know it makes life harder for people writing portable apps, but that's just the way it goes sometimes.


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