>  I have been a developer for about 11 years and been using PHP about five
>  Today i am looking for a job that can be done in my own environment and i
>  thought that contributing to opensource projects could be a good
>  possibility, if there is that possibility of course, because i am not sure
>  if this is being done and what are the requirements to be able to apply for
>  this
>  The reason why i am posting here, in a PHP mailing list (internals list), is
>  that i do believe about this language, its future, and i really enjoy
>  programming in it because it remains simple, very similar to C and flexible
>  If any of you could tell me how can i try to contact somebody for this kind
>  of job i will really appreciate your help, since i do not know nobody
>  working in this situation

This list has for purpose php development (It's internals as the name
states). Please do not post such comments here, you can try on php.dev
but this is not a personal job posting area place.

One thing I'd suggest is to look at our Google Summer of Code ideas
page (http://wiki.php.net/gsoc/2008) and maybe get a project there.

I'll repeat to make sure it's understood: This list is not a self
promoting page (even though sometimes it looks like it)

Thanks a lot for understanding :)


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