Em, you have __call method in classes - via it you could implement ANY logic
for overloading. It's written in manual here:

KISS should be followed - no C++ style overloading is needed, PHP is a
script language without strict type hinting.

2008/4/8, Krister Karlström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi!
> This is maybe getting a bit out of topic now, but what about
> function/method overloading using type hinting:
> function myfunc(string $data) { }
> function myfunc(int $data) { }
> function myfunc(myClass $data) { }
> This currently causes an error in PHP 5.2.5 that function myfunc() can't
> be redeclared. This would in my opinion be very useful for methods in
> classes.
> Greetings,
> Krister Karlström, Helsinki, Finland
> Arvids Godjuks wrote:
>  I think type hint's would be good optional functionality. Those who need
> > will use it, others will not. I'd probably use it in some cases.
> > Especially
> > if named parameters are implemented.
> >
> > Sometimes what I really want is named parameter pass like
> >
> > function myfunc(array $array, string $string = null, int $someint = 0){
> > }
> >
> > myfunc($myArray, someint = $mySomeInt);
> >
> >
> --
> * Ing. Krister Karlström, Zend Certified Engineer         *
> * Systemutvecklare, IT-Centralen                          *
> * Arcada - Nylands Svenska Yrkeshögskola                  *
> * Jan-Magnus Janssons plats 1, 00550 Helsingfors, Finland *
> * Tel: +358(20)7699699  GSM: +358(50)5328390              *
> * E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     *
> --
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