Felipe Pena wrote:
> Well, thinking better about the behavior of type hinting, i decided to
> change the proposal for strict type. I.e. don't accept numeric string
> as an intenger, etc.

While it is now consistent with is_int() it means we end up with strict
but also stupid interfaces and hence lots of silly type conversions in
application code using such a function.
This is especially annoying as you normally have very few
implementations of a function but lots of code calling it.

You basically 'progressed' from
        function foo($x) { $x = (int)$x; ... }  # One place where type is
ensured or converted
        function foo(int $x) { ... }
        foo((int)CONSTANT_42);  # If you are not 100% about type
        foo((int)$x);           # If you are not 100% about type
        foo((int)$db->x);       # DBs normally return strings

- Chris

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