If you guys don't like the way interfaces work then do not use them. If your
going to talk about cycles, just lose the abstraction all together.

Important for some. You once again, with all your hand flapping, assume
> we want some kind of operation on the data. If we do not, and this
> happens a lot, then we're just wasting cycles... and order of magnitude
> more cycles.

You speak of cycles, but I downloaded your framework that you created and
grepped for get and set methods, and what did I find? Thinks like:

    function getId()
        return $this->sessionId;

    function setId( $newId )
        $this->sessionId = $newId;

    function setNew( $status=true )
        $this->newSession = true;

    function isNew()
        return $this->newSession;

    function &getDataStructure()
        return $this->data;

This is wasting space in my mailbox, this conversation is pointless. I'm
trying to read about thinks that are important like language changes.


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