On Tue, 2008-04-29 at 23:51 -0400, Nathan Nobbe wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 9:22 PM, Robert Cummings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > That should be a matter of choice for the developer. When you say
> "but
> > when, down the road, some logic...", all I see is you waving your
> hands
> > in the air and presuming that the logic will change. The logic may
> not
> > change, in which case why am I incurring the cost of getter/setter
> > methods. "If" the logic changes, I'll be happy to add getter and
> setter
> > methods at that time and punt the needed functionality into the
> magic
> > methods which will call the appropriate getter or setter method. You
> are
> > preparing for a future that may not come, I am willing to
> retroactively
> > handle that future "if" it arrives. Neither approach strikes me as
> being
> > more correct but rather they each presume an educated guess on the
> > likelihood of the property changing it's semantics down the road.
> the developer does have a choice.  to use an interface, or an abstract
> class.  data facilitates methods accomplishing what it is they
> purport.
> quite frankly, i have never written an interface with getters and / or
> setters anyway, nor do i see the need to.  i would consider it silly.
> interfaces are typically used to say, any class that makes this happen
> will
> likely do it in a way differently than all the others.  since, getters
> and
> setters are almost always implemented the exact same way i find these
> topics
> to be rather different.  if there is in fact a standard way of doing
> things
> for any given interface, then to realize it, a common implementor
> class can
> be composed, and delegated to by classes that implement said interface
> in
> the 'standard' way.

Abstract classes and interfaces are not the same. They are used for
fundamentally different reasons. An interface is to enforce a contract
for all implementations of the interface. Therefore if I were to create
an interface with an interface property of x, then all implementations
using that interface would know that property x exists and could use it
thusly without having to check for it's existence. Using an abstract
class is a hack, it's not sufficient for enforcement, and you can't
combine multiple abstract classes as you can with interfaces.

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