
1) functions, constants and classes should use the same resolution rules. Making special cases just for some of them, or just for user or just internal ones will lead to confusion.

No, not necessarily. Functions, constants and classes have different traditional usage patterns in PHP, and as such may have resolution rules that follow these patterns. I don't say we should look for making them different, but if necessary, we should use rules that benefit the most frequent use cases, even if it upsets some purists that like everything being lined up and painted the same color.

2) can someone please explain why is it useful to override internal function inside a namespace. Isn't it better to explicitly refer to global functions as global, which would allow compile-time resolution in a lot more cases than now.

It is not better, since it means that if you have non-namespace code library, you would have to edit a lot of code to convert it to namespace - you would have to edit every function call. Aaside form looking awkward, it is a lot of work. Of course, you can still do it, but you shouldn't have to. Since OO libraries rarely use (read: should never use, unless they have very super-duper good reason to, and even then probably not) global non-internal functions, usage pattern for internal and non-internal functions differ.

I know this does not account for the use case of having some function both internal and implemented in PHP. This is not a frequent use case, but it happens. I see it much less frequent use case than converting non-namespaced code to namespaces. In this case, you will have to do some additional work - you'd have to prepend :: to any global function you do such tricks on. It's not worse than prepending :: to *ALL* functions as you seem to suggest.

globally a PHP-only clone of a missing binary/internal features is a far more predictable behaviour, and people use it a *lot* right now. Do we

What do you mean by "predictable"? Current behavior is 100% predictable and described in the manual.

really want to break this in 5.3?

We don't, and we won't. You'd just need to alter your code slightly to achieve same behavior. As I understood, the proposal is to force *ALL* functions to work this way - how it's better?
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
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