
Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
In general, building PHP on windows should be as easy as on Unix, not requiring any special knowledge of the tools, meaning:

1. Get environment with MSVC set up
2. Get external libraries (recommended to put them in same upper-level dir as php checkout)
3. Run buildconf
4. Run cscript configure.js --options
5. Run nmake

When I run nmake, it has a line that starts with "" instead of some command name. Looking at the configure.js script, it seems that it cannot find something called mc.exe on my system (no wonder since I don't have it), but it goes forward happily without any errors.

I managed to learn little about mc.exe using Google. It's some kind of Message Compiler by Microsoft. Any idea what do I need to install to get mc.exe?

It may seem that MSVC install is broken, but I can build wxWidgets and FlameRobin with it without any problems. I have MSVC 9 Express Edition.

If something doesn't work along the way, most probably some library is missing or wrong version, etc. There's now dedicated windows list [EMAIL PROTECTED], which might be a better place for discussing it, but in any case description of the error message would help.

Ok, thanks.

Milan Babuskov

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