to Greg and his cohorts a hearty bravo!

Phar is a really great addition, I'm very impressed with
the finesse of the initial implementation ... it's quite
rare to see [imho] a new feature appear in such a mature
and well thought out manner, good work 'smith. :)

I have a few questions, some of the answers may deserve
a few lines in the docs.

1. to what extent is Phar capable/designed to handle self
updating Phars .. especially with regard to multi-user access
(I'm thinking in terms of a website+CMS+userdata in a Phar
updated by a few people 'concurrently')

2. is there a (quick) way to reference a Phar object of
the current (as in Phar::isRunning()) Phar file - I figure
the engine can do new Phar(Phar::isRunning()) faster/better, no?

3. are there technical reasons for not being able to create/access
an sqllite db inside a Phar?

4. Am I crazy to think of building a dynamic website, cms, including
all user [uploaded] files, installation config .. complete with
command line interface for updates, upgrades, module/config
management, etc, etc  ... all in one Phar? is that feasable?
what kind of read and/or write concurrency could one expect?
if building self updating Phars is okay, then maybe an example
in the manual could be done to emphasis a few do's, dont's,
limitations, etc.

kind regards,

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