Jochem Maas wrote:

I have a few questions, some of the answers may deserve
a few lines in the docs.

1. to what extent is Phar capable/designed to handle self
updating Phars .. especially with regard to multi-user access
(I'm thinking in terms of a website+CMS+userdata in a Phar
updated by a few people 'concurrently')

This is a great question - it needs to be added to the phar FAQ in the manual (which I suppose should be in the "using phar" section).

My best advice is this:

do not use phar if you want to write to the code or to files in the code space.

phar archives should contain *only* read-only data and code. Your best bet is to use a product designed for concurrency: a database.

Why? Imagine - every time you update a single file in a phar archive, the whole archive must be rebuilt from scratch. This could take up to 60 seconds for large applications with 100s of megabytes of files. Not fun even if you have 1 concurrent user.

2. is there a (quick) way to reference a Phar object of
the current (as in Phar::isRunning()) Phar file - I figure
the engine can do new Phar(Phar::isRunning()) faster/better, no?

in the stub, put this code:

$__myphar = new Phar(__FILE__);

and use $__myphar when you need it.  Alternatively, you could do:

define('MYPHAR', __FILE__);

in the stub, and then when you need it:

$phar = new Phar(MYPHAR);

However, if you want to quickly access the contents of a single file within the phar archive, use the streams layer:

For instance, if you know the path to the file, you can always do this:

$a = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/file.txt');

or even

$a = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../file.txt');

3. are there technical reasons for not being able to create/access
an sqllite db inside a Phar?

As Scott said, we have talked about this and have a plan to implement read-only sqlite, and also read-write if the database is external and mounted using Phar::mount()

4. Am I crazy to think of building a dynamic website, cms, including
all user [uploaded] files, installation config .. complete with
command line interface for updates, upgrades, module/config
management, etc, etc  ... all in one Phar? is that feasable?
what kind of read and/or write concurrency could one expect?
if building self updating Phars is okay, then maybe an example
in the manual could be done to emphasis a few do's, dont's,
limitations, etc.

No, you are not crazy. However, you must design so that uploaded files are saved on the local filesystem, the configuration file is also saved on the local filesystem, and a database is used for oft-referenced items that need concurrency.

This is not so different from a regular PHP app - you have to set the writable bit on upload directories, and do a little bit of config that way.

The only problem with Phar::mount() is that phar.cache_list is not available (i.e., the instant you call Phar::mount(), copy-on-write happens, which is a lot of memory copying), something that I need to ponder when I have some time, as there may be a way around this limitation that doesn't kill performance.

Personally, I would design the app so that it works without code change in or out of a phar archive, which is actually not hard to do in PHP 5.3. Config items can be adjusted by checking whether Phar::running() is 0-length, which it is if called outside of a phar archive.


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