Well, connection issues using mysqlnd seems to be pretty commonly reported, like this:


There are 20 open reports currently:


I don't know if these are on some list in some blog, I only check the php bug system for open issues.


Ulf Wendel wrote:
Jani Taskinen schrieb:
Ulf Wendel wrote:

We did a tough development sprint in the last weeks to make the patch "ready" for the tentative PHP 5.3 release plan. Our internal release plan shows no coding between Beta and GA but fixing newly reported bugs.

What about the already reported (a.k.a. "old") bugs? :)

Have a look at the bug overview at http://blog.ulf-wendel.de/?p=190 . Many old PDO_MYSQL bugs have been fixed. I don't claim the list to be complete. If you are worried about any particular bug, let me know.

A good number of reported bugs are PDO bugs not driver bugs. For example the LIMIT issue is reported frequently as a PDO_MYSQL bug although it is a side-effect of the PDO SQL parser [1].

Several new bugs have been found in PDO_MYSQL and PDO. We have not worked on the PDO bugs as we have focussed on our driver first. Ilia fixed some of the major ones. Other bug reports are about minor issues.

The thingie Johannes is working on is teaching PDO not to copy zvals from the drivers but supporting drivers who want to manage zvals themself, such as mysqlnd does. This change will prevent that we run into another issue where mysqlnd and PDO logic clash and PDO rejects a number and returns NULL instead of the number - the only show stopper I know of. All other issues I see are rather minor ones.

Cross platform testing has been performed on:

AIX 5.3 ppc64
FC4 x86
FreeBSD 6 x86, x86_64
HP UX 11.23 ia64
MacOS X 10.4 ppc32, x86
RHEL 3 ia64, x86, x86_64
RHEL 4 ia64, x86, x86_64
SLES 9 ia64, x86, x86_64
Suse 10.3 x86, x86_64

Solaris 8 to 10 failed to compile SPL with (Sun) CC last wednesday. I haven't looked into it yet. Win64 is missing. Anyway, the first X-platform results are very good, given that I haven't "tuned" the tests for x-platform compatibility yet.


[1] http://blog.ulf-wendel.de/?p=191

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