
With the impending release of PHP 5.3 and the addition of namespaces into PHP, there becomes the issue of integrating libraries that are designed to still support PHP 4 (please, don't turn this into a discussion about whether they should or not: this _is_ a real issue) into something designed to use namespaces throughout. A simple solution would be to just include/require a file _into_ a namespace, which makes the default namespace in that file that namespace.

e.g. (inc. the case of defining a namespace in the included into a namespace file),


require 'b.php' into Foo;
echo "\n";



function hi() {
        echo 'Hello, world!';

namespace Bar;

function magic() {
        echo 'Wow! This is in a namespace both here and there!';


Expected output:
Hello, world!
Wow! This is in a namespace both here and there!

Geoffrey Sneddon

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