
I am sending this on behalf of Kalle:

1) Closures on class properties just don't work, the only way to do it is
to do something like:

$c = $a->b;

Calling: $a->b(); will result in method A::B() does not exists.

2) Closures can be defined as constants values because of its toString method:

define('Closure', function(){ echo 'Test'; });

echo constant('Closure'); /* (string) Closure object */

3) Since Closures have this toString method, but its not showing up in Reflection:

Reflection::export(new ReflectionClass('Closure'));

4) var_export() and Closures is useless, any call to var_export() like the example
below will all be the same:

$lambda = function()
    echo 'Λ Lambda';



Maybe it could return some relevant information for exporting the closure across

5) Its impossible to clone a closure using the cloning keyword:

$a = function(){};
$b = clone $a;

This makes it hard to make a copy of the closure because of objects always are
passed by reference.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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