I would like to keep this as a RFC page in wiki.php.net. Are there any conventions or rules that I should keep in mind? (or just-not- supposed-to-do-that-because-your-proposal-is-stupid-and-will-never-be- accepted?)


On 2008/07/18, at 8:23, Moriyoshi Koizumi wrote:


Attached are the patches that allow the "use" statement that was introduced with closures to appear within every function statement except method definitions. I think this feature is a good addition because it resolves inconsistency between closures and unticked functions. In a nutshell,

function foo() use (&$some_globals) {
    echo $some_globals;

is equivalent to

function foo() {
    global $some_globals;
    echo $some_globals;


function bar() {
    $some_local_var = '';
    function fubar() use (&$some_local_var) {
        echo $some_local_var;


function bar() {
    function fubar() {
        global $some_local_var;
        echo $some_local_var;

are of course not the same.<php-ubiquitous-use-statement- HEAD-20080718.patch.diff.txt><php-ubiquitous-use-statement- PHP_5.3-20080718.patch.diff.txt>

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