Hi all,

After speaking with several people about their todo items [1], Johannes and I have settled on the 28th of August for the alpha2 release. We will package on the 27th. Seems like we have a good chance for getting the open items completed by then.

Note that things that do not make it might get posponed to 5.3.1 (or depending on the change even to the next minor/major version update). Contrary to alpha1, where we were quite liberal in moving things to alpha2, we will have to be more strict after alpha2. I know that its always annoying if some feature gets delayed so long just because a couple of days, but we must all remember that we have an endlessly long feature list that is waiting to be released. So I hope that everybody will find sufficient time to deal with their todo items until alpha2. Please delegate to others early if you run into time trouble.

As always please try to keep at least one RM in the loop about the latest developments. This includes making sure we know that a given item is done. We also hope that the inconsistencies thread will be concluded in time to get any changes necessary applied.

Finally please remember to MFH (or MFB if you must) to save a bunny :)

Lukas Kahwe Smith

[1] http://wiki.php.net/todo/php53#alpha2

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