
Wasn't it you who said it is all about simple replacement?

In current model, yes. With nesting in hierarchy, it ceases to be so, that's exactly my point.

However, you always said we shouldn't compare PHP features to other
languages and that for that reason we should not worry about the

I didn't say that. I said that we should not take decisions based only on the fact that other languages have it so. Of course we can look on other languages and import whatever we feel is useful, however we should not import stuff *just* because C++ and Java does so, contrary to how it would work in PHP. PHP is its own language, and there's no obligation to mimic any other one.

keyword naming for instance. And that for the same reason we should
not take a specific implementation of another language. Why are you
suddenly taking Ruby's behavior as the thing to implement, if we
were going that route? [1]

I definitely don't take Ruby's behavior, as Ruby's namespacing is hierarchical, AFAIK.

For instance on 17th July Greg, who was very much involved in the
whole namespce implementation, summarized the open discussion points
and you simply turned the discussion dead immediately [2]. If people

I was and still am indeed somewhat sick of endless discussion about braces and fixation on it. But OK, you won and we are having another 2 threads about it. I accept that and I again explained why I think it is a bad idea - last time it was today. I think the positions on the braces as syntax are more or less clear, and we all heard all arguments from all sides multiple times, so I do not see much use in repeating them over and over - unless you think I could explain something better or you could bring some new idea, in which case I am ready to do what I can and hear anything new anybody has to say.

constantly start mailing about issues they have, then we need to
address that or even get rid of the feature but we cannot say: this

I find it very disturbing that you again and again raise the question of "getting rid of" namespaces - what are you trying to do? Why would you want namespaces not exist in PHP?

is it, live with it as it is or not use it at all. None of that would
be the PHP way where we always have been trying to come to a simple
solution that works for everyone.

I did and do try to find the simplest solution possible ("possible" is important here!). Having weird syntaxes and additions that have multiple problems (like hierarchy) do not help. I try to accommodate as much stuff people want as could be accomodated - namespaced functions (IMHO abomination, but people wanted it - they got it), multiple files, etc. But there has to be some conceptual integrity, otherwise it just turns into a mess.

Personally, my take is that I don't need nesting but simply see it
as the natural thing to add. And text replacement, which is what the

As I explained, it is not natural addition - it makes the model much more complex and resolution be O(N) instead of O(1). It also is not appears to be useful for any practical purpose.

not really matter to me. But seems to matter to other people. What

OK, I would be happy to hear these other people - what are they use cases and what they try to do with namespace nesting. Other people, please speak.
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
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