Hello Stanislav,

Thursday, August 14, 2008, 12:25:35 AM, you wrote:

> Hi!

>> I think Marcus is talking about files that are included that do not 
>> specify a namespace explicitly. In this situation the context does matter.

> No it does not. Would anybody check what they are talking about before 
> starting to discuss things?

Start with yourself by checking out Zend/tests/ns_069.phpt and then come
back if you see no problem there. Since I am sure you will ignore the
issue here goes anyway.

The included file has a different scope. Hence a lot of stuff like
reflection does not work as expected. End of the story. If we truely
had multiple namespace support, then we would simply keep the namespce
for the include and if the file has a namespace it would be compared
to the current one, if that is equal all is fine. For __autoload it is
also quite easy, it should simply be defined outside of a namespace.
And if you need to combine it with namespace, then simply register the
different autoload functrions with spl_autoload_register().

Best regards,

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