Volodymyr Iatsyshyn wrote:

Is there a chance to have annotations like in Java or like .NET attributes?

Now, I use Java Annotations emulation, through Reflections and PHPDoc blocks. Example:

/** Annotation One*/
class DemoAnnotation1 extends C01t_Annotation
    public $value;

/** Annotation Two*/
class DemoAnnotation2 extends C01t_Annotation
    public $p1;
    public $p2;

class DemoClass
    const SOME_CONST = 5;

    /** @DemoAnnotation1(DemoClass::SOME_CONST + 1) */
    public $property1;

    /** @DemoAnnotation2(p1 => 1, p2 => 'Hello, Word!') */
    public $property2;

  Volodymyr Iatsyshyn

So is there a chance to have these?

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