Hi Michael,

Forwarding to internals@ and counting you in.

I tried to mail the list, but it never seemed to go through.

I'm just a user, but a serious one, with frameworks to maintain.
I've already done a branch of an app framework to the current namespaces implementation comfortably.

FWIW, and that may be very little coming from me, I'd like
to raise my hand for
Problem (1)
       solution #2, fallback to #3
       E_WARNING on "you said Foo when I don't know if you
       meant namespace or class Foo" is good and fine.

Problem (2)
       Proposed solution fine by me.

Preference #3 - pick one of them, any of them, they're all
improvements over the current state.

Many thanks to all the internals folks for working on this one.

Michael Fischer

- Steph

Democracy is not average people selecting average leaders. It is average people with the wisdom to select the best prepared. - David Brooks

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