Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
From now on I will simply stop to read any post from you as long as
there is uppercase words in it. It is annoying, respectless and does
not make your point any better.

I make no apologies for formatting text as I see fit. It would have been very useful if you had simply corrected Ilia's post at the time. I do not seem to be the only person who was waiting for
>> be fixed? And had I been made aware of there being a different site
>> than some of the confusion over the last few days would probably have
>> been avoided

Well Pierre is not alone and the other day I was about to write something similar. So add me to the list of people that will ignore you if you insist on this formatting. Its just a question of accepting the way people talk to each other on this list. If you absolutely need to highlight, then others have used an underscore in front and at the end of the words they wanted to emphasize, but even that is rarely used. Somehow others seem to get by with just English without having to emphasize words in their sentences. Accept this or accept that your emails will go to /dev/null. Your choice.

Feel free - I've not changed over the years and I still get pigging annoyed :(
From 2005 ....... my reply to Derick
Derick Rethans wrote:
Yeah, that sounds like a really good idea to postpone PHP 6 for another 3 
years. ;-)

I know you were joking, but DO WE REALLY WANT THREE VERSIONS OF PHP on
the go ? We need a roadmap to ONE version - don't we?

Having the suggestions collected (either in separate text files in CVS
or in a web-bases system) would be a good idea anyways.

I think we shouldn't go overboard with all the suggestions. We do want to ship 
the Unicode PHP this year - and just focussing on Rasmus' initial list seems 
the best way to me.

Apart from unicode, nothing else on the list was something that could
not be introduced in 5.1 or 5.2. The REAL problem is getting people who
insist that PHP5 is no good to start switching from PHP4, so that it can
be 'put to bed' rather than adding new features to that AS WELL ? The
only time I have a problem with register_globals is where the source is
PHP4 !
What ever happened to shipping PHP6 in 2005?
Derick was joking about 'delaying PHP6 three years' ..... I gave up trying to help with PHP6 in 2007 - one of the reasons I've not done much 'here' in the last 18 months other than testing the PHP5 with Firebird releases as they happen.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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