+1 #3

On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 9:35 AM, Ryan Panning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Greg Beaver wrote:
>> Hi,
>> http://wiki.php.net/rfc/namespaceissues
>> Read it and discuss.  Let's be clear people: the technical problems in
>> namespaces are limited and solvable.  The problems in the political
>> environment surrounding them may not be.  Wouldn't politics be a
>> stupid-ass reason to remove namespaces?
>> Greg
> Issue A: #2
> Issue B: Yes
> The reason I like #2 is because it also helps with the autoload confusion.
> It will clearly state that you are either looking for a class or namespace
> file, by looking for the element separator. However, I think :> or something
> other than ::: would be a better separator, for better visability. Ex:
> Request              Autoload Gets   Type
> -----------------------------------------------
> A::B:>C              A::B:>C         Class
> A::B:>func()         A::B            Namespace
> A::B:>C::CONST       A::B:>C         Class
> A::B::C:>D::method() A::B::C:>D      Class
> A::B::C::D:>CONST    A::B::C::D      Namespace
> Question for issue B, will the change only effect class requests? Or would
> it also trigger autoload for function requests (thinking it's a namespace
> request)? I could see that being a problem as 90% of function requests are
> for internal functions and ::func() for everything would be a pain.
> Similar goes for namespace function/const requests. At this point it
> wouldn't be a big deal but lets say core internal functions are migrated to
> namespaces (ex: Array::map()). Does that trigger autoload before it finds
> the internal Array::map()? I'm thinking that's where option #3 comes into
> play, but "using .." every internal class/ns/func would also be a pain.
> Sorry if this was already answered, I've been trying to keep up. :)
> --
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