On 28.10.2008, at 13:41, marius popa wrote:

but when all the comunity screems at the namespace issue i think
core developers should be more diplomatic and offer the good solution not
close the eyes and wash the hands and go forward

its always nice to ask for diplomacy after throwing around insults. that being said, we have been quite calm in trying to explain the reasons. but maybe if people would try out more reasonable forms of inquiry it would all go a bit smoother, it takes two to tango.

at any rate, i hope that we will soon have a FAQ online that will make it even easier (easier than reading through 3 RFC's on the wiki). not sure when that will be ready.

an semisolution would be an php.ini variable
so if you have an issue with your classes can be reset to "\" or
whatever with ini_set

this will lead to incompatible code and deployment nightmares.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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