While we're at this and considering the new lambdas that we now have in the language
I must say I'd like some functions to support Traversables. Those would be:

array_map(), array_reduce(), array_filter(), array_walk() and array_walk_recursive()

Although I'd rather want a class (because the array_* functions don't adhere to some strict param order standards)
to provide functional style methods, like those in Javascript 1.8:



In PHP something like this would be nice:

$processedDirectoryIterator = SplFunctional(new DirecotoryIterator(__DIR__)).map(function() {
    // do stuff here

where SplFunctional is a function returning a SplFunctional object whose construcor accepts iteratable structures (arrays or Traversables) and $processDirectoryIterator is a DirectoryIterator resulted after applying
the lamba to each of the SplFileObjects contained.

I know right now we have FilterIterator as an equivalent to array_filter() for Iterators and we could implement our own Functional classes but that means a new class for situations where a simple lambda could do the job
just as well.

I hope my proposal makes sense.

P.S. I introduced a SplFunctional function just to skip the instantiation of the object.

On 10/28/2008 15:16, Lars Strojny wrote:
Hi Andrei,

Am Montag, den 27.10.2008, 11:34 -0700 schrieb Andrei Zmievski:
I would say "no" for 5.3. But for 6 it would be fantastic to have all 
operations supporting ArrayAccess interface, where possible.

+1 for this.

cu, Lars

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