On 01.11.2008, at 18:17, Guilherme Blanco wrote:

The idea is awesome, but it'll definately not work. Sorry.
By creating an UG profile subscription will allow again everyone to
subscribe "a group" when it's really just one person that wants to
write something. So the UG idea will not work.

this was the potential abuse situation i mentioned. i honestly think that most people will understand that people will not abuse this less bureaucracy approach if we feel that it will benefit PHP. if this fails, we can then decide on additional barriers, turing tests or whatever.

also in response to Larry .. thats why I said we should also accept "virtual UGs", so that things do not need to be linked to a geographic location. for all we care, people can be members of how ever many UGs they want to be in. again it comes down to the question of "can we trust our community"? of course there will be abusers, but the question is if they are sooo large in numbers that they will prevent this from working?

how many UGs are we expecting anyways? lets say we get 100 UGs to register. that would be quite an impressive number, but still manageable. if we get to 500 UGs, we would probably have to rethink the approach. like by seeing if we have mainly virtual or regional UGs etc. i think we can also weed out some fake UGs by just looking at their mailing list archives (no discussions means probably no UG). so if we do end up with 500 UGs that register and that want to actively take part in the discussion on internals, then i think this approach has validates itself:
1) it means we have helped quite a lot of UGs to form
2) it means we have grown the number of people that want to participate

if this means we again have to review our discussion process, i am more than happy to do so. until then i feel this process could help get this list back to a more productive communication flow. it seems to me like a lot of the screaming and even personal attacks are caused by the fear that concerns might simply get lost in the noise. if we can do something to get rid of this fear (though probably never entirely), i think we have a chance of improving the general tone and productivity of this list.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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