Hello all (and sorry for the cross-posting, please keep all replies to

After weeks of hard work from Gwynne, svn.php.net is now in a very
good shape and ready for extensive testing.

There is no automatic synchronization between CVS and SVN, and there
will not be one. You are free to commit as you want to SVN, trying to
break SVN in whatever ways you can think of. All changes to SVN will
be "overwritten" when the "switch is flipped" and we move to SVN and
abandon CVS.

The only thing that is kept up-to-date is the karma (CVSROOT/avail),
both the global and the PEAR specific one, so feel free to test and
make sure you can commit to things you should be able to, and that you
cannot commit to things you shouldn't.

Extensive testing is obviously required before we can make the switch,
so feel free to go nuts!
There is no "SVN" category on bugs.php.net, and I do not anticipate
that we need one. Please just send all bugs you may encounter to

To gain access to svn.php.net you have to "validate your CVS account".
This is automatically done by logging into master
(https://master.php.net/login.php) or the wiki (http://wiki.php.net).
Your access credentials will be synchronized within 15minutes.
Note: No, it is not enough to login to bugsweb (or cvs for that
matter) as it uses local copy of the credentials database so we cannot
automatically do the nescecery account upgrades.

There is an anonymous "cvsread" account for SVN, called "svnread" with
the password "svnread".

 - The "directory structure" has changed slightly. The root
directories represent "will probably be its own repository in the
future". Poke around on http://svn.php.net/ to see the specifics.
 - SVN 1.5.1 does not work (for php-src at least). You will have to
upgrade to 1.5.2 (or later)
 - karma is manually updated
 - Commit emails have their subject prefixed with [TESTING] (note:
emails *are* sent to the correct mailinglists)
 - You cannot checkout the entire repository on case-insensitive filesystem
 - CVS commits are *not* synced to SVN
 - SVN commits are *not* synced to CVS

There is no "official flipping-the-switch date", but to have some date
in mind I think February 1st is entirely plausible date.


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