> On 11.01.2009 03:21, jvlad wrote:
>> Almost.
>> Try to compile your very-own-version of php, using configure argument
>> --disable-zend-memory-manager
> There is no such configure option since ages.

seems you're flying too high.
RHEL5 still ships php5.1.6 and it has this option and it undefines 
For the newer versions (5.2.x) it can be set at the environment, which is 
not that good btw.

> That won't affect memory usage very much.

I gives appox 2MB per php-cli instance. Sometimes it's good enough, if for 
example you need to run 200 instances.

>> - --enable-debug did report some small leaks, but much less then the
>>>  consumption grow.
>> zend memory manager won't release memory to the system.
> That's plain wrong.
> Of course it does free() memory whenever it thinks the memory should be 
> free()-ed.
> Though that doesn't guarantee that the OS is be able to reuse this memory.

Antony, I think you're wrong with this. ZMM does never release memory to the 
system. Instead it puts free chunks into its own free memory chain.
See how _zend_mm_free_int() works in 5.2.5 and it's the only function that 
is called from for example _efree, at least when ZMM is enabled.


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