On 11.01.2009 17:51, jvlad wrote:
>> On 11.01.2009 03:21, jvlad wrote:
>>> Almost.
>>> Try to compile your very-own-version of php, using configure argument
>>> --disable-zend-memory-manager
>> There is no such configure option since ages.
> seems you're flying too high.
> RHEL5 still ships php5.1.6 and it has this option and it undefines 

PHP 5.2.0 has been released more than 2 (two) years ago, which should be 
enough for a distro to catch up, don't you think so?

> For the newer versions (5.2.x) it can be set at the environment, which is 
> not that good btw.

Please elaborate.
>> That won't affect memory usage very much.
> I gives appox 2MB per php-cli instance. Sometimes it's good enough, if for 
> example you need to run 200 instances.

Shared libs are, well, shared among the processes, so I don't think it's "per 

Antony Dovgal

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