first off; had a rather in-depth (but lacking when it comes to internal input) over on the general list; has been interesting.

Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:

On 17.01.2009, at 18:06, Nathan Rixham wrote:

a: Optional Static Typing
I'm finding an ever increasingly need to be able to staticly type properties, parameters, return types etc (in classes) I know there is type hinting but it's just not enough to do what one needs. Additionally support for staticly typing primatives.

I am not a type hinting fan .. then again I think that PPP is mostly bogus for a scripting language as well. I would not mind this stuff if it would just all just throw E_STRICT's instead of E_FATAL. To me the point of a glue language is to keep running until the engine is about to explode or the request has finished.

After talking this one out (and negating which E_ is thrown) I've come to the conclusion that optional type hinting in the following places would suffice:

class Example {
private TypeHint $var;


Example $var = new Example();


and finally primative/scalar type hinting in all of these places.

b: Object superclass
A base class type which all objects automagically extend, with (if nothing else) a unique id / hashcode for each object. Failing this some form of function to get a unique reference string for any variable.

I think this is quite pointless. I do not see any need for magic here. No need to be able to magically redefine the base class and saving the few chars to type is also not sensible (and this will not give you MI through the backdoor either).

I'd be tempted to agree; however while you can currently TypeHint in php as such:

public function whatever(array $someArray)
public function whatever(SomeClass $obj)

*you can't*
public function whatever(object $obj)

which seems rather strange, some people are of the belief/misconception that stdClass is the superclass of all objects but it just isn't; all in it means that one can't specify (typehint) that a method param should simply be an object - seems strange and hopefully the internals will concider adding this functionality at the very least.

In the above scenario of you adding this functionality I ask you would the logical and appropriate approach be to perhaps make stdClass or some other class the super of all objects, and if this was the case surely adding in the functionality implemented in spl_object_hash or the discussed spl_object_id may be appropriate.

(reasons why not would be great) - or would the approach be to allow the aforementioned public function whatever(object $obj)

c: Method overloading
TBH it's something I could live without, whereas a/b aren't, but it would be an ideal addition to php; Many times I've had to work around the lack of this functionality with (what could be) unneeded code.

You mean polymorphism? I hope we will never see that in PHP. This kind of magic is dangerous and just forces PHP even more into a static typed corner. Maybe you need to whip up a patch for your PHP version that makes PHP statically typed?

fair enough; stut also raised the point that it makes no sence to implement this when you can have variable argument lists.

re patch: would love to, considering it, 7 years since I touched c - otherwise this is the approach I'd be taking! may still yet.

a magic method __cast may be beneficial to allow users to create there own primative/scalar wrappers and convert from primative to wrapper and back.. thoughts?

cheers for the input lukas.

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