On Thu, 2009-02-05 at 10:36 -0800, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
> Johannes Schlüter wrote:
> > - No typehint, as it is now, #47206 "Expected / to be documented",
> >   incompatible with 5.2.6-5.2.8 but compatible with most other 5.2
> >   versions
>  Could we extend the arginfo system to allow for multiple typehints? Of
>  course the Reflection API would have to support this :-/

Of course we could, we'd "just" have to change a structure and
zend_verify_arg_class_kind() and of course the language syntax to allow
something like "function foo(A|B $bar) {}" but this still would mean to
break source compatibility in a bad way here as the user's code would
have to follow the signature and won't be able to be 5.2 and 5.3
compatible in one file.


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