On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Rodrigo Saboya
<rodrigo.sab...@bolsademulher.com> wrote:

> For the average PHP programmer, the language will simply "get faster". That
> can't be bad in any way. It doesn't encourage you to write bad code, it just
> doesn't kick you in the nuts when you do.

It's probably also worth noting that in a lot of cases, you really
*won't* use a lot of what you load, at least initially. If you're
working in an OOP fashion, for example, you won't use every method at
once on an object, but you're still going to have to pull the whole
object in to use it.

If you're writing functional code, the same applies: there will often
be some generic parts of stuff that you won't use for *every* request
that you still won't split out into a seperate file simply because
they are *often* used..

I think I'd have to guess that around 40% of the code I load gets used
on a single request, but that is because of the aforementioned problem
of using classes. It's not that big a worry to me, because I use APC
to lessen the hit, and thankfully(? :)) I don't have thousands of r/s,
just a few hundred.

Seems like a good change to me.

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