It was not my intention to initiate a massive debate regarding the use
of short_open_tag.

I posted for two reasons:

1. To ask if short_open_tag has been deprecated in PHP 6.
2. To suggest asp_tags as the recommended option for templating in PHP
(to keep both crowds* happy).

* The crowd *for* the use of short_open_tag (I don't believe that they
are in favour of this tag because of the particular characters used, but
rather because of its shortness), and the crowd *against* its use
(believing that, since PHP's primary use is for embedding code within
HTML documents, it should respect the use of other processing instructions).


Jeremy wrote:
> Glen wrote:
>> It's short, and it doesn't conflict with XML.
> I have to say, I don't understand all the hate on short_open_tag.  So
> what if it "conflicts" with XML?  PHP is not XML.  If you use an XML
> construct in your PHP, escape it.  PHP can generate a lot of other
> languages, too -- should every construct from these languages be
> forbidden in PHP as well?
> Jeremy

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