Hello everyone.
I've been writing <?php echo get('something')?> for some time now at the
last project and it really sucks. I understand reason on depricating
short_open_tag and I agree. But I have a proposal witch can ease templating.

Remove short open tag, but leave <?=get('blah')?>. Bacicaly PHP parser
should look for <?php or <?=, single <? is not allowed. That way:
1). short_open_tag is gone for good as an option in .ini.
2). Making templates doesn't suck
3). Backwards compability with old templates is preserved (old templates
with <?= work fine).
4). <? in code is broken as you want it to be and makes coders fix it with

Everyone is happy, XML and others are safe.

Yes, it's really irritating to write <?php echo every time!

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