Lester Caine wrote:
> Lester Caine wrote:
>> I know I will be directed to the 'windows' list, but I think it is
>> important that PHP is still available cross platform ... I run both
>> Linux and Windows and both should run the same?
>> Since many of my target systems are still Windows based, primary
>> testing of new stuff is done on that, but currently I'm unable to even
>> test a windows build due to the lack of php_interbase.dll.
>> Other packages are also missing from the ext directory most of which I
>> think I've identified as moved to PECL, but - while I do not use pdo -
>> where has php_pdo.dll gone. If it's built into the windows binary then
>> this needs to be pointed out?
>> On one hand I'm being told that I don't need to be able to build
>> windows binaries as these are provided - and I can't anyway as I am
>> still running a Borland development enviroment for windows - but if
>> the core facilities are not going to match the Linux builds then there
>> is a problem ...
>> LAST time I was able to run 5.3 the bitweaver code base produced a lot
>> of warnings, while currently it runs clean with display_erros=on, but
>> until I can actually run it again I can't report any problems, and so
>> I will have to stay with the 5.2 branch.
> I've just been working through some of the other add-ons and a couple
> more questions poped up.
> What is happening with PECL in windows for 5.3?
> Anybody know if there is a 5.3 build of php_imagick or magickwand ? This
> used to be available via PECL, but seems to have evaporated at some point?
> As yet there is no 5.3 build for eAccelerator ... but a build of that
> has been requested.

eAccelerator is not a pecl project.  It is completely unrelated to

The fact is that we have only a handful of people who do any sort of
Windows work while we have hundreds of volunteers for other parts of the
project.  Unless we get more volunteers interesting in working on
Windows-related stuff, you are always going to see a gap between Windows
and the rest of the world.


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