On 16.06.2009, at 05:08, Greg Beaver wrote:


in PHP_5_3 if you're using set_magic_quotes_runtime(0), it raises an
E_DEPRECATED.  I thought all that argument was resolved to only throw
E_DEPRECATED for set_magic_quotes_runtime(1)?

This is a major pain if magic_quotes are enabled and you need to turn
them off to do unserialize or serialize to a file.

The purpose of E_DEPRECATED is to alert of changes in up coming major PHP versions.

So if the function is removed entirely from PHP6, then the way things are is correct. If the function still exists, but simply doesn't do anything (or even raises an error) when "set_magic_quotes_runtime(1)" is called, but silently continues when "set_magic_quotes_runtime(0)" is called, then it should be changed as per Greg's request.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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