Guys and gals, in the old days we had a very close tie between the code
and the documentation.  As the project has grown the two have drifted
apart.  I think this is mostly because the phpdoc team has done an
amazing job keeping up with the code changes and writing awesome
documentation.  This has made us a bit lazy and complacent.

I would like to encourage everyone on this list to spend a little bit of
time looking at the parts of the documentation that cover things you are
familiar with.  Or even just going through some of the doc bugs and
helping out in general.

To get you started:

Checkout the phpdoc tree from cvs
Read the README file

When you make a change, run "php configure.php" to make sure you didn't
break anything, and that is about all you need to know.

If you want to build your own version of the full manual so you can see
exactly what your changes will look like, do:

  pear install

and run the phd script.  It will build the manual and you can create a
local docs vhost to look at it, but this is more work and not really
necessary if you are just tweaking things and adding to already existing

Personally I am going to try to make one doc commit per day for the next
little while.


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