Guys and gals, in the old days we had a very close tie between the code
and the documentation.  As the project has grown the two have drifted
apart.  I think this is mostly because the phpdoc team has done an
amazing job keeping up with the code changes and writing awesome
documentation.  This has made us a bit lazy and complacent.

I would like to encourage everyone on this list to spend a little bit of
time looking at the parts of the documentation that cover things you are
familiar with.  Or even just going through some of the doc bugs and
helping out in general.
This reminded me that a while ago I made some opcode documentation available in the form of a set of charts written by Andy Wharmby (http://www.zapt.info/PHPOpcodes_Sep2008.odp) and some opcode samples (http://www.zapt.info/opcodes.html) from the IBM Japan team. I don't think either of these ever made it the PHP docs and as they are still on my personal website and they are somewhat at risk :-/ I heard recently that people were using them (http://tr.im/phpcompilerinternals) so I'd like to put them somewhere more permanent. My current plan is to move them both to sp1.php.net. Does anyone object? Or better still would anyone be willing to integrate them with the PHP docs?


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