>> In other words, I see two bugs there:
>> 1. PHP depends on the system-wide installed pear and tries to run it.
>> 2. One or many files are missed in the package producing the "Archive.php
>> class file not found" error.
> 1. you're wrong, PHP does not depend on system-wide installed pear, it
> will simply use it if present

Does not matter how you call it. "Simply use it", or "depends on it", this 
all is about the same.
Since php brings its own pear why not to use it?
Well, even if using system's pear unavoidable, why not to check its presense 
and its version first and do not bother shell with attempts to run 
non-existing stuff?

> 2. nothing is missing.  see http://pear.php.net/PHP_Archive
> If installed, phar.phar will function (partially) without the phar
> extension being present.

Same goes here.
Presense of PHP_Archive can be also checked without misleading error 
messages in the make's output.

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