On 28.08.2009, at 23:09, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

As I already noted, the masking - in most cases and definitely in recommended cases - would happen for errors that are NOT SEEN. Not reported. Not logged. Before the patch. Which means, whatever advantage you seek from looking at these errors, fixing them, reviewing the code, doing anything related to them at all, etc., etc. - you have ALREADY lost if when you decided not to report these errors. Without the patch. Before the patch. So all arguments about how wrong it is to disable errors when errors in fact might be useful are, again, irrelevant - they are already disabled without the patch. So far, the argument that made the most sense on this topic is that using this patch would taint you with "bad mojo", I guess because when you sacrifice some performance to the Gods of Unreported Errors, it's all OK, but without that sacrifice, they could become enraged and revenge you by... I don't know, giving you more bad mojo?

Of course we are well aware that you can choose to ignore errors even today. However instead of adding yet another ini setting, some of us feel we should rather focus on solving the real issues. That certain errors in certain parts of your code are unavoidable and known and that certain pieces of code will raise errors to the global error handler even though you have all the code in place to handle the issue locally.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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