
>> hmm why do you think that PDO would need to take special care about  
>> this? seems like this is the job of the PDO using code ..
> Depending on how PDO's code is written, it could inadvertently blow away 
> metadata without a user knowing it.
>> but it does raise one concern that i did not think about before: one  
>> potential issue is that with unbuffered queries (which are on by  
>> default) in MySQL you can only have one open result set at a time
> A good example.
>> then again notices are usually only for insert/delete/update ..
> I was thinking the same thing.  Even data manipulation queries can run 
> into issues.  If the code is written poorly, it could clobber things like 
> affected row counts, etc.

Given the recent posts, I'd vote to only add whatever is needed for the
drivers to access the extra data. That means to only add the specific
pgsql code to gather notices as the mysql and oracle drivers are already
capable of fetching warnings/dbms_output. To me, this would be much
clearer: a common interface to access different kind of data would
definitely not be a step forward in terms of abstraction.

Matteo Beccati

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