It will work, just in a very complicated way. Emailer would need to have access to some other global variables in order to resolve its dependencies.

My point is that they are globals.

On 11/19/2009 4:57 PM, Mathieu Suen wrote:
Ionut G. Stan a écrit :
This smells like metaclasses to me, just that in your RFC they are
supposed to work on a global level, not on a per class level.

Python, for example, has a magic method called `__new__`, which
controls the creation of the object whenever a new class is
instantiated. It actually allows you to return a different object than
the expected one.

I somehow like the proposal, but it may create havoc in some code
bases. I wouldn't really want to see `new FooBar`, when it actually
means a `DamnBar`.

There are also other things to take into consideration. You may want
to override this instantiation mechanism for `FooBar` just in a single
class, not in all of them, which complicates the problem. You'd have
to received the scope where the instantiation is done, but even then,
there may be no way to really know which *object*, not class, wants to
instantiate `FooBar`.

I agree IoC is necessary, but I'm not really sure this is the way to go.

... [some thinking]

At this point, in PHP, classes are global constant symbols. Allowing
us to override the instantiation mechanism would make them global
variable symbols. The below example is already possible in PHP and I
believe it already does what you're asking for (in the current RFC):

class Emailer

$Emailer= 'Emailer';

class FooBar
public function sendEmail()
global $Emailer;

$emailer = new $Emailer;

I have already made this proposition but it obviously don't work if
Emailer need dependency.

Ionut G. Stan
I'm under construction  |

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