what you call factory objects are "more" proxy objects, please make
the difference, semantics are sometimes important.
anyway , what I can read this document is a bit a mess, it needs to be
split by "topic", your approach is really confuse.


On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 8:06 AM, Robert Lemke <rob...@typo3.org> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> after discussing the idea with various PHP developers I now felt safe enough 
> that it's not a completely stupid idea to post an RFC for it. The idea is to 
> add support the registration of custom factories which are responsible for 
> instantiating certain classes.
> Here is the first draft of my RFC:
> http://wiki.php.net/rfc/customfactories
> I suggest that we first discuss the implications and usefulness of this 
> feature. In a second step I'd need to find some skilled internals wizard who 
> can implement it, because not being a C developer myself, all I can offer is 
> making suggestions and fine coffee.
> Looking forward to hearing your comments!
> Robert
> --
> Robert Lemke
> Fluent Code Artisan
> Lead Developer TYPO3 5.0 and FLOW3
> TYPO3 Association co-founder
> http://typo3.org
> http://flow3.typo3.org
> http://association.typo3.org
> --
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