Le 9 décembre 2009 17:16, Pierre Joye <pierre....@gmail.com> a écrit :
> hi,
> 2009/12/9 Jérôme Loyet <jer...@loyet.net>:
>>>> We already discussed pros/cons of the two solutions. But why don't we
>>>> allow several syntaxes ? And let the end user to choose the better one
>>>> for its need ?
>>> No. Thank you.
>>> EOD
>> and why of that ? Why is it already EOD wihtout arguing ? php-fpm just
>> started in PHP core and there is willing from people to help and make
>> php-fpm better, which I tought was the final goal.
> It is, however I have to agree with Tony here, adding a fpm specific
> syntax makes little sense. Or do you have any killing arguments for
> this new syntax (like not possible to do it otherwise, stoping point
> etc.)?

I don't have killing arguments I just came with a discussion which
seems fair here. Now it's xml and before it's been integrated there
were discutions about changing it to nginx. So I bring back the
discution here.

about multiple syntax it was a proposal which was about to make all
users happy but the complexity and the confusion is a good argument, I
heard it.

So let have the question another way:
Do we keep XML or do we switch to something else ? If so, which format ?

I and some others think xml is not appropriate here because of the
complexity. So I do think there is a need to change.

INI or other ?
INI is used widely in PHP and users know it. But it's not well adapted
for the actual php-fpm configuration organisation. (properties in
sections or subsections). If choosed how will it be organized ?

If we want something else than XML and INI, we can use ngxin like or
yaml configuration file, or other ...

We have to decide to go forward here.

++ Jerome

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