Richard Quadling wrote:

How much of a use case is binding $this to closures (personally, I
think this is quite a common usage, but I've been using JavaScript so
maybe I've got the wrong head on).

But, if there are significant technical/internal issues with regard to
binding $this to closures, what about (and I'm expecting the usual
shoot down here as I obviously know squat) NOT binding closures at all
(option 0).

Instead get traits working.


If I recall the trait discussion properly, traits are a compile-time thing. Closure binding is a run-time thing. They are not comparable and one cannot really be used to implement the other. (Well, hypothetically bound closures could kinda-sorta replicate traits, but it would be a pretty lousy way of doing it as you get no compile-time enforcement or interface support.)

--Larry Garfield

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