Hi All,

Wondering if there is any support for SPKAC [1] in the openssl extension for PHP?

If not is it planned, and if not can it be? KEYGEN/SPKAC support is growing in the UA vendors and KEYGEN is part of HTML5, being the preferred way to generate client side SSL certificates since the private key never leaves the browser. Further the need for client side certificate generation will be growing somewhat over the next couple of years thanks to FOAF+SSL - which I believe is about to start going through standardisation.

At the minute we have to take a rather hacky approach in PHP [2] and it get's much worse if you want to use x509 v3 extensions, you have to go through a nasty process of using a bash script to gen a custom openssl.conf on the fly to use in the SPKAC request.



[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spkac
[2] http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/attachments/20080714/07ea5534/attachment.txt

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