
Can you open a feature request please? At http://bugs.php.net

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Nathan Rixham <nrix...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Wondering if there is any support for SPKAC [1] in the openssl extension for
> PHP?
> If not is it planned, and if not can it be? KEYGEN/SPKAC support is growing
> in the UA vendors and KEYGEN is part of HTML5, being the preferred way to
> generate client side SSL certificates since the private key never leaves the
> browser. Further the need for client side certificate generation will be
> growing somewhat over the next couple of years thanks to FOAF+SSL - which I
> believe is about to start going through standardisation.
> At the minute we have to take a rather hacky approach in PHP [2] and it
> get's much worse if you want to use x509 v3 extensions, you have to go
> through a nasty process of using a bash script to gen a custom openssl.conf
> on the fly to use in the SPKAC request.
> Best,
> Nathan
> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spkac
> [2]
> http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/attachments/20080714/07ea5534/attachment.txt
> --
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