

On 5/21/10 10:38 AM, Ralph Schindler wrote:

Hey all,

Attached is a patch to remove the warning from parse_url() in situations
where parse_url() cannot actually parse the url. The bug report also
claims there should be a new feature for understanding "why" a parsed
url failed. That code currently does not exist, and the current warning
gives no more information than simply returning false does.


The first patch is against trunk. I think we should at least get this
done even if the group decides that down the line we want the why
portion explained as well (I actually don't care about the why part).
That feature would require that php_url_parse_ex() add some parsing
intellignce, this would not be a 1 or 2 line feature implementation.

The motivation is that since false and E_WARN are redunant, this patch
would allow developers to STOP using @parse_url(), which we have to do.

I also suggest that we apply this to the PHP_5_3 branch. This behavior
should be backwards compatible with everyone that is actually using the
@parse_url() in their code. The only 1-off situation that might be
affected is if people are catching the error with an error handler and
branching there. Why they wouldn't be branching off the false return
value, I don't know.

Both patches contain test fixes.

Is there anything more I need? Is this commit worthy?


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