>> keep on the topic pls, which is the inclusion of potentially buggy and
>> poorly maintained APC.
> I'm on topic. You seem to be able to fix this bug very easily, I only
> told you how to provide patches.

I do not care of bugs in APC unless this module is NOT in php core.
If they appear in php core, I'll decide whether php is a right way for me to 
go at all.

> APC is well maintained but all I can read from you are some random
> bashing about non APC specific bugs.

Know what? APC is wrongly designed as a php extension which does not allow 
it to catch certain things at certain time, so it is definitely bug in APC.
The fact that the other opcode caches do not suffer from this bug being 
installed as zend extension only prove that the bug is in APC and it is 
poory maintained.

> APC is the only opcode cache available at php.net and under a very
> permissive license (aka PHP's). You may like other options more than
> APC but that's definitively not arguments against APC.

License argument does not work at all.
Many years ago the first php debugger DBG was released under PHP license
but it didn't allow Rasmus and Zeev to merge it into the core even though 
the formal request was published on php.internals.
What was changed since that, Pierre?
Or the extension author/maintainer should be only Rasmus and Zeev to get it 
into the core?

> If you have specific issues with APC or specific cases to show how APC
> is poorly maintained, then please raise them.

Try to understand the arguments above.

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