It's amazing to me this has become such a long discussion. The facts are simple:

1) People don't ask for the other parse errors even half as often as they as for T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM 2) They do so because it looks like gibberish to them, so it looks unlikely to be a common thing you can Google, nor it gives something recignizable to start with
3) Yes, to all who are not sure, more people know English than Hebrew.
4) Yes, we all acknowledge it's an easter egg joke that refers to the creators of PHP. But that particular joke has outworn its welcome in the community after repeatedly causing support issues.

T_DOUBLE_COLON already exists as a constant in userland, so the jump to it won't be an epic change. Let's do it as a proof that we're not a nerd gridlock bound to argue forever about even the most minor and obviously positive changes PHP can implement.

Stan Vass

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